I chanced upon this blog post: The Orange Rhino when I was checking facebook tonight.
Lately I've been shouting at my kids to make them listen to me.
I tell you, It doesn't work. But I do it anyway. Why? You ask.
Believe me, I really don't want to, and I feel so guilty after.
I think, when I'm frustrated and stressed, I just explode. Anger Management anyone? haha!
But seriously, I've been wanting to stop shouting for a while. It's just so hard when my kids are pushing my buttons most of the time.
I know that shouting is bad. It doesn't work. It makes my kid shout to get what he wants too.
I challenge myself NOT to shout for at least a year.
At least 365 days.
Better if I can keep it up forever.
I might go crazy, so I thought maybe I should make a blog dedicated to just the Project "No-Shouting".
Everyday, I will post my progress. I will also post my frustrations instead of shouting what I want to say to my kids.
I think it's a great idea.
Wish me luck!
BTW, you can find my Project No-Shouting Blog HERE (Not like you'd want to read posts about my frustrations and boring progress haha)